CSA HGV 4.9-2016 pdf download

CSA HGV 4.9-2016 pdf download – Hydrogen fueling stations

CSA HGV 4.9-2016 pdf download – Hydrogen fueling stations.
1 Scope 1.1 This Standard specifies the design, installation, operation and maintenance of site-built and modular gaseous hydrogen fueling stations (HFS) for light duty vehicles, where light duty vehicles are defined by the Environmental Protection Agency as passenger cars and light trucks, minivans, passenger vans, pickup trucks, and sport-utility vehicles, also referred to as the “common category” which includes class 1, 2, 3 vehicles up to 14,000 lbs. The requirements are based upon United States and international codes and standards, but, where appropriate, local and federal codes and standards may supersede the requirements listed in this Standard. 1.2 Unless otherwise stated the standard conditions are: temperature 15 °C and pressure 101 KPa. 1.3 In case of conflict between this Standard and Federal, Provincial, State, or Local requirements, governmental requirements take precedence. 1.4 This Standard contains SI (Metric) units with corresponding yard/pound quantities, the purpose being to allow the standard to be used in SI (Metric) units. If a value for a measurement and a corresponding value in other units are stated, the first stated value is to be regarded as the requirement. The given corresponding value may be approximate. If a value for a measurement and a corresponding valve in other units are both specified as a quoted marking requirement, the first stated unit, or both are to be provided. Note: IEEE/ASTM SI 10 or ISO 80000-1 was used as a guide in making metric conversions to yard/pound quantities. 1.5 All references to pressure throughout this Standard are to be considered gauge pressure unless otherwise specified.
Authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) — an organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure. Breakaway device — a component installed downstream of the dispenser outlet connection to protect the dispenser assembly from damage by vehicles driving away while still connected to the dispenser nozzle. Building — a structure or part thereof used or intended for supporting or sheltering persons, animals, or property and classified by its occupancy in accordance with the applicable building code of the authority having jurisdiction, or in the absence of such, in accordance with the National Codes. Canary species — a constituent in the gas stream which can serve as an indicator of the presence of impurities and other chemical constituents due to the high probability of presence of impurities in a fuel produced by a given process. Capacity — Consecutive fueling — the quantity of hydrogen that can be dispensed at a station using consecutive fueling events. Consecutive fueling is defined as a continuous fueling of vehicles or test devices from the required starting pressure to the standard end of fueling condition with a maximum time between each fueling. Consecutive fueling capacity — the mass of hydrogen in kg that can be dispensed at a station using consecutive fueling events. Consecutive fueling is defined as a continuous fueling of vehicles or test devices from the required starting pressure to the standard end of fueling condition with a maximum time between each fueling.
4 General 4.1 General This Clause provides the general requirements for hydrogen fueling stations. 4.1.1 Local and national requirements The station and all of its components shall be in accordance with all relevant local and national codes and standards, as well as the requirements of the authorities having jurisdiction. Both of these take precedence over this Standard. 4.1.2 Manufacturer instructions All systems, subsystems, and components shall conform to the manufacturer’s written instructions. 4.1.3 Environmental conditions The HFS shall be designed and rated for the environmental conditions it will experience, including, but not limited to, ambient temperature, sunlight, humidity, and precipitation. Components that need to be weatherproof shall meet the requirements in Clause 4.18. 4.1.4 Station performance The station should be rated for hourly, consecutive, or daily fueling capacity performance and tested in accordance with Annex B. 4.1.5 Vehicle damage The HFS and its components shall be protected from damage by vehicles as required by local code. 4.1.6 Restricted area All systems or components, except those specifically designed to be used by the public, shall be located in a restricted access area that prevents public access. 4.2 Components 4.2.1 General In general, components should be listed or approved to the standard stated in the clauses below or equivalent standard accepted by local codes. Annex C contains a list of recommended standards for each component.CSA HGV 4.9-2016 pdf download.

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