CSA C9-02 pdf download

CSA C9-02 pdf download – Dry-Type Transformers

CSA C9-02 pdf download – Dry-Type Transformers.
2 Reference Publications This Standard refers to the following publications and, where such reference is made, it shall be to the edition listed below, including all amendments published thereto. Note: The editions listed below may be replaced by newer editions during the life of this referencing Standard. Users of this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions. CSA (Canadian Standards Association) C22.1 -02 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I C22.2 No. 0.1 2-M1 985 (R1 999) Wiring Space and Wire Bending Space in Enclosures for Equipment Rated 750 V or Less C22.2 No. 47-M90 (R2001 ) Air-Cooled Transformers (Dry Type) CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 94-M91 (R2001 ) Special Purpose Enclosures CAN3-C235-83 (R2000) Preferred Voltage Levels for AC Systems, 0 to 50 000 V
3 Definitions The following definitions apply in this Standard: Angular displacement in a polyphase transformer — the time angle, expressed in degrees, between the line-to-neutral voltage of a specified high-voltage terminal and the line-to-neutral voltage of the corresponding low-voltage terminal (e.g., H – X ), which can be 0° or 30° as shown in Figure 1 . 1 1 Autotransformer — a transformer in which part of one winding is common to both primary and secondary circuits associated with that winding. Common or shunt winding of an autotransformer — that part of the autotransformer winding that is common to both primary and secondary circuits. Efficiency of a transformer — the ratio of a transformer’s power output to its total power input. Equivalent two-winding kVCA — a) For an autotransformer, the output kVCA multiplied by the series winding voltage and divided by the sum of the series and common winding voltages. b) For a two-winding transformer, the nameplate kVCA. Exciting current of a transformer — the current that flows in any winding used to excite the transformer at rated voltage when all other windings are open-circuited. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the rated current of the winding in which it is measured. Impedance voltage of a transformer — the voltage required to circulate rated current at rated frequency through one winding when another winding is short-circuited and the windings are connected for rated voltage operation. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the rated voltage of the winding in which the voltage is measured. Insulation voltage class — the grouping of nominal operating voltages into class levels as a basis for assigning standard dielectric tests to each class. The classification is based on phase-to-phase voltage for ungrounded delta or wye systems and on phase-to-ground voltage for grounded wye systems.
4.5 Examples of designations under this classification system are as follows: a) ANN — air-filled natural convection with open-ventilated enclosure through which the ambient air readily enters and leaves the enclosure; b) GNC — gas-filled unit cooled by natural convection of the gas within the enclosure and by natural convection of ambient air outside the enclosure; c) AFN — air-filled cooled by forced circulation of the air within the open-ventilated enclosure and by natural convection of ambient air outside the enclosure; d) GNP — gas-filled unit cooled by natural convection of the gas within the enclosure and by forced flow of ambient air over the outside of the enclosure; and e) ANC/ANP — normal operation is air-filled, cooled by natural convection of the air within the enclosure and by natural convection of ambient air outside the enclosure, and emergency operation at higher kVCA rating is air-filled, cooled by natural convection of the air within the enclosure and by forced flow of ambient air over the outside of the enclosure.CSA C9-02 pdf download.

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