CSA C68.1-92 pdf download

CSA C68.1-92 pdf download – Specifications for Impregnated Paper-Insulated Metallic Sheathed Cable, Solid Type

CSA C68.1-92 pdf download – Specifications for Impregnated Paper-Insulated Metallic Sheathed Cable, Solid Type.
3. 3. 1 A statement or drawing giving the shape, construction and principal dimensions of the conductor, the insulation, completed cable, and its weight per foot. 3. 3. 2 The effective (ac) resistance and, in the case of multiple—conductor cable, the reactance of the cable as represented by the manufacturer for his typical cable, at 25°C. 3. 3. 3 Cost of special additional tests, if any, required by the purchaser (Sections 3. 2. 2 and 11) . 3. 3. 4 A statement of any changes, additions, or exceptions to these specifications that the manufacturer may wish to submit because of special requirements requested. 4. RATED_V0LThE 4.0.1 Rated Voltage, expressed in kilovolts (kV) , for the purposes of these specifications, s a value selected by the purchaser as a convenient reference for defining the insulation requirements for his cable. It serves also to define particular test requirements (Sections 10 and 11) . 4. 0. 2 For cables intended for three—phase systems, the Rated Voltage is expressed in terms of phase—to—phase voltage. For cables intended for other systems, the Rated Voltage requirements should be expressed in terms that will make clear the voltages involved. 4. 0. 3 It is understood that the phase—to—phase operating voltage may exceed the Rated Voltage by: (a) 5 percent during continuous operation, or (b) 10 percent during emergencies of not more than 15 minutes duration.
6.2.1 .3 When a segmental conductor is to be used, each segment shall be uncoated and shall conform as to number of splices to the requirements of ASTM B 8 or B 231 as applicable for concentri c—stranded conductors. 6. 2. 1. 4 Segmental conductors shall consist of four segments. The segments shall be separated from each other by at least two thicknesses of paper tape; they shall be cabled ‘ gether with left—hand lay and bound with a nonmagnetic metal tape, intercalated with a paper tape. At least one of the segments of the conductor shall be in electrical contact with the metal binder tape throughout the length of the cable. 6. 2. 2 Sector Conductors 6. 2. 2. 1 Sector conductors shall be made with compact stranding, unless otherwise agreed upon. 6. 2. 2. 2 The number of wires used in forming sector conductors shall be at least 80 percent of that required for compact round conductors of the same circular mil (mm2) size. 6. 2. 2. 3 The conductor shall be uncoated and shall conform as to number of splices to the requirements of ASTM B 8 or B 231 as applicable for concentric—stranded conductors. 6. 3 Conductor Resistance 6. 3. 1 The resistance (dc) of any conductor of completed cable, corrected to a temperature of 25°C, shall be not more than 2 percent greater than that shown in Table II for a conductor of the specified size. Temperature corrections shall be made In accordance with Table III. 6. 3. 2 In multiple—conductor cable, no additional allowance in resistance shall be made for the lay of the conductors in the cable. 6. 4 Conductor Cross Section 6. 4. 1 These specifications do not require the direct measurement of the conductor cross section. Compliance with the requirements of Section 6. 3. 1 shall be considered as adequate evidence that the conductor cross section Is of the size stated by the purchaser In his order (Section 3. 1. 4) .
7. 0. 2 The paper tapes shall be impregnated with an insulating compound or saturant after a suitable drying and evacuating process. 7. 1 Paper 7. 1. 1 The paper shall be only the best quality made from sulphate process wood pulp, except that paper made from manila rope stock may be used to a limited extent where desired to obtain particular mechanical properties. 7. 2 Insulation Level 7. 2. 1 The selection of the cable Insulation level to be used in a particular installation should be made on the basis of the applicable phase to phase voltage and the general system category as outlined below, except that none of the cables listed below apply to the conditions outlined In Section 7. 2. 2. A. 100 Percent Level. This insulation level is designated by the nominal phase to phase system voitage. This is applicable only to systems where the normal voltage between the cable conductor and the Insulation shielding tape or metal sheath will not exceed 58 percent of the phase to phase voltage. These cables may be applied when the system is provided with relay protection such that ground faults will be cleared as rapidly as possible, but in any case within one minute. These cables are applicable to the great majority of cable installations which are on grounded neutral systems, and they may be used also on other systems for which the application of cables is acceptable, provided the above clearing requirements are met in completely deenergizing the faulted section.CSA C68.1-92 pdf download.

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