CSA C300-18 pdf download

CSA C300-18 pdf download – Energy performance and capacity of household refrigerators, refrigerator- freezers, freezers, and miscellaneous refrigeration products

CSA C300-18 pdf download – Energy performance and capacity of household refrigerators, refrigerator- freezers, freezers, and miscellaneous refrigeration products.
4 General requirements 4.1 Test room 4.1.1 Ambient temperature The ambient temperature shall be 32.2 °C ± 0.6 °C (90.0 °F ± 1.0 °F) during the stabilization period and test period when measured as described in Clause 4.3.4 and shall be recorded. 4.1.2 Ambient temperature gradient The test room vertical ambient temperature gradient in any foot of vertical distance from 5.1 cm (2 in) above the floor or supporting platform to a height of 30.5 cm (1 ft) above the top of the unit under test shall not exceed 0.9 °C/m (0.5 °F/ft). The vertical ambient temperature gradient at locations 25.4 cm (10 in) out from the centres of the two sides of the unit being tested shall be maintained during the test. To demonstrate that this requirement has been met, test data shall include measurements taken using temperature sensors at locations 25.4 cm (10 in) from the centre of the two sides of the unit under test at heights of 5.1 cm (2 in) and 91.4 cm (36 in) above the floor or supporting platform and at a height of 30.5 cm (1 ft) above the unit under test. 4.1.3 Air circulation The cabinet under test shall be shielded from forced air currents having a velocity of more than 0.25 m/s (50 ft/min). 4.1.4 Radiation Shields shall be provided to prevent direct radiation from or to any heated or cooled surfaces whose temperature differs from the ambient temperature by more than 5.6 °C (10 °F).
4.2.2 Increasing the heat capacity of a thermocouple junction When a mass is called for to increase the heat capacity of a thermocouple junction, the total heat capacity of the mass shall not exceed the heat capacity of 20 g of water (200 g brass). Weighting of the temperature sensors shall be accomplished with a cylindrical brass mass, 30 ± 5 mm (1-1/8 ± 1/4 in) in diameter and height, in good thermal contact with each temperature sensor. All temperature-measuring sensor masses shall be supported by material with low thermal conductivity in such a manner that the air gaps required in Clauses 4.2.3,,,,,, and are maintained. The reported temperature at any given point shall be the average temperature at that point at a particular time, with temperatures read at intervals not exceeding 1 min. 4.2.3 Temperature measurements in a freezer/freezer compartment When the freezer/freezer compartment is required to be test-loaded with packages, temperatures shall be measured using unweighted thermocouples located in the geometric centre of packages measuring approximately 130 × 100 × 40 mm (5 × 4 × 1.5 in). The packages shall be a) sealed; and b) filled to a density of 560 ± 80 kg/m 3 (35 ± 5 lb/ft 3 ) with hardwood sawdust that has been water- soaked; alternatively, an equivalent package of frozen food, such as chopped spinach, may be used. Ice trays and ice buckets related to non-automatic ice making shall be removed from the freezer section and the space vacated shall be loaded to 75% capacity (75% of the maximum number of filled packages that can fit into the compartment) with frozen food packages.
The packages shall be loaded into the compartment(s) so as to permit air circulation around and above the load. The air gap around the freezer/freezer compartment load shall be 15 to 40 mm (1/2 to 1-1/2 in), with the packages placed in a pyramid or tiered form, if necessary, to properly locate the thermocouples. Packages shall rest on the bottom of the liner or on top of a trivet, where provided. Note: In order to keep packages from shifting and destroying the air gap, a wire grid that has small non-thermally- conductive spacers for contact with the freezer liner may be used. To facilitate loading of the freezer /freezer compartment, a portion of the load may be made up of cartons filled with individual packages, provided that these cartons do not interfere with the placement of thermocouples in the required locations or with the required air circulation.CSA C300-18 pdf download.

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