CSA Z94.3-15 pdf download

CSA Z94.3-15 pdf download – Eye and face protectors

CSA Z94.3-15 pdf download – Eye and face protectors.
6 General requirements Note: See Annex D for guidance on the manufacturing ofeye and face protectors. 6.1 Impact resistance 6.1.1 General With the exception of Class 4 (welding hand shields), protectors shall be tested and assessed as complete devices in accordance with Clause 12.2. For a protector designed for use with a combination of stationary lenses, the combination of stationary lenses shall meet the impact-resistance requirements. For a protector fitted with a lift-front assembly, the lens or pair of lenses in the stationary portion nearest to the eyes shall meet the impact-resistance requirements without relying on protection provided by the lift-front assembly in front of the lens or pair of lenses. 6.1.2 Flexible components With the exception of housings, flexible components shall be exempt from the impact-resistance requirements.
6.1.3 Testing criteria Except as specified in Clause, the test for impact resistance shall be either the impact of a 6.00 ± 0.05 mm diameter steel ball travelling at a speed of 50.9 ± 0.5 m/s or a 6.35 ± 0.05 mm diameter steel ball travelling at a speed of 46.5 ± 0.5 m/s . The test shall be performed in accordance with Clause 12.2.2. No contact with either eye of the headform shall be permitted, nor shall any part become detached from the inner surface of the protector, nor shall the protector fail as defined below: a) lens failure: a lens shall be considered to have failed if it fractures through its entire thickness into two or more separate pieces, or if any lens material visible to normal or corrected-to-normal vision, including a laminar layer, if any, becomes detached from the ocular surface (see Annex F for exemplars); or b) housing failure: housing (such as a front, side shield, frame, body, lift-front, or lens holder) shall be considered to have failed if parts or fragments that could contact either eye of the headform are ejected from the protector. For filter lenses or filter plates that are used in welding hand shields (Class 4) or welding helmets (Class 3), the test for impact resistance shall be the impact of a 6.00 ± 0.05 mm diameter steel ball travelling at a minimum speed of 22.0 m/s or a 6.35 ± 0.05 mm diameter steel ball travelling at a minimum speed of 18.0 m/s. The test shall be performed in accordance with Clause 12.2.2. No contact with either eye of the headform shall be permitted, nor shall any part become detached from the inner surface of the device.
7.2 Side protection 7.2.1 Protective spectacles shall incorporate side protection that is integrated or permanently affixed to the frame (see Clause 7.2.2). Notes: 1) Some forms ofside protection do not offer adequate optical quality for clear peripheral vision. 2) A “permanently affixed” is that which cannot be removed without the use oftools. 7.2.2 Side protection shall protect at least 16 mm above and below a horizontal centreline positioned at the apex of the cornea. The side protection shall extend at least 20 mm behind the apex of the cornea and, at this point, shall protect a minimum of 10 mm above and 7 mm below the horizontal centreline (see Figure 3). Note: See the related impact test procedure in Clause 12.2. In order to check the coverage ofthe side protection, the protector is mounted on the test headform in the same position as it would be worn by the user. 7.2.3 Side protection may be ventilated or non-ventilated. The side protection shall abut or wrap around the spectacle front when the spectacle temples are in the open position. 7.2.4 When side protection is ventilated, ventilation openings shall prevent the direct entry of a rigid rod 1.5 mm in diameter when tested in accordance with Clause 12.11. 7.2.5 Ventilated side protection shall be used only in Class 1A spectacles. Non-ventilated side protection may be used in Class 1A spectacles and shall be used in Class 1B spectacles. 7.2.6 Class 1B spectacles intended for use in welding operations for protection against Hazard Types F and G shall have side protection with a shade number not less than one shade less than that of the filter lens.CSA Z94.3-15 pdf download.

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