CSA Z316.6:20 pdf download

CSA Z316.6:20 pdf download – Sharps injury protection — Requirements and test methods — Sharps containers

CSA Z316.6:20 pdf download – Sharps injury protection — Requirements and test methods — Sharps containers.
4 Requirements and recommendations 4.1 General [Replace the first paragraph after the NOTE with the following] Sharps containers shall be colour-coded as follows: a) yellow for biohazardous medical sharps (excludes category A infectious sharps); b) red for cytotoxic medical sharps or category A infectious sharps; and c) white and blue for sharps contaminated only with pharmaceuticals. Note: It is essential that sharps containers be colour-coded so that the waste they contain can be recognized and appropriately classified as non-anatomical biomedical waste requiring special handling. 4.2 Design and construction 4.2.1 General [Add the following as the first paragraph] The materials used in the construction of sharps containers shall be assessed for impacts potentially harmful to the environment during manufacture, distribution, use, and ultimate disposal. [Add the following] Sharps containers shall not have a needle disconnection feature. Sharps containers shall have mounting hardware for fastening sharps containers to vertical surfaces including walls and carts. The mounting hardware should include a locking option. Sharps containers over 30 L capacity should a) be designed for stable stacking on each other when filled; and b) have a hands free lid-opening option.
4.2.3 Strength of handles [Replace the third paragraph with the following] When tested in accordance with Clause 6.2, the handle/carrying feature shall not break or detach during testing. The position of the handle(s), finger recesses, protrusions or flanges shall be ergonomically designed and not interfere with the normal use of the container. General [Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following] Sharps containers shall be provided with closure features that are integrally attached. Requirements and recommendations for the aperture [Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following] Sharps container apertures shall be designed such that the sharps are fully deposited in a one-hand, one-step process. 4.3 Closure device [Replace the title of this Clause with the following] Closure device of reusable sharps containers 4.4 Monitoring of reuses [Replace the title of this Clause with the following] Monitoring of reuses of reusable sharps containers 4.5 Cleaning and decontamination [Replace the title of this Clause with the following] Cleaning and decontamination of reusable sharps containers 4.5.1 Cleaning and decontamination process [Replace Item a) with the following] a) designed to render the containers clean, i.e., aesthetic and visually free of soil, debris, and organic matter, and decontaminated of microbial pathogens, pharmaceuticals, and cytotoxic drugs to a level that renders them safe for handling and reuse;
5.4 Transport simulations [Replace the first sentence with the following] The lifespan transport simulations are adapted from the U.S. Department of Transportation Vibration Standard and shall be conducted as follows. 6 Test methods [Add the following sentence below the title] Whenever a test on any sharps container could impact the result of any subsequent test on the same container, previously untested containers shall be used for each test specified in Clause 6. 6.4 Resistance to damage and leakage after dropping [Replace the second paragraph with the following] Repeat the test at –18 ± 2 °C for sharps containers that are not intended to be placed in secondary transport containers certified to UN packaging Group II requirements. 7 Quality monitoring: Post decontamination quality assurance [Replace the title of this Clause with the following] Quality monitoring: Post decontamination quality assurance of reusable sharps containers
8 Labelling and marking and instructions for use 8.1 Labelling and marking [Replace Item c) with the following] c) identification of the specific use of the container as follows: 1) Biohazardous sharps containers: Sharps containers intended to contain sharps that can pose a biohazardous threat shall have a prominently displayed universal biohazard symbol as shown in Figure 1A, or equivalent, permanently affixed to an outer surface of the container. The label shall contain the words “BIOHAZARD/BIORISQUES”, or equivalent, as its legend. The symbol and legend shall clearly contrast with the background. Note: Where a sharps container is mounted in a cabinet or some type of holder, only the actual container need be colour-coded as specified in Clause 4.1 and labelled as specified in this Clause. If the container’s biohazard label is not visible through the cabinet, the outer cabinet or holder should be labelled as containing sharps, using the statement “CAUTION: WASTE SHARPS/ATTENTION : OBJETS TRANCHANTS SOUILLÉS”, or equivalent, or an appropriate universal biohazard label.CSA Z316.6:20 pdf download.

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