CSA M11684-97 pdf download

CSA M11684-97 pdf download – Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment – Safety signs and hazard pictorials General principles

CSA M11684-97 pdf download – Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment – Safety signs and hazard pictorials General principles.
1 Scope This International Standard establishes general principles for the design and application of safety signs and hazard pictorials permanently affixed to tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, and powered lawn and garden equipment as defined in ISO 3339-0 and ISO 5395. This International Standard outlines safety sign objectives, describes the basic safety sign formats and colours, and provides guidance on developing the various panels that together constitute a safety sign. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of curently valid International Standards. ISO 3339- -0:1986,Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry- Part 0: Classification system and classification ISO 5395:1990,Power lawn- -mowers, lawn tractors, lawn and garden tractors, professional mowers, and lawn and garden tractors with mowing attachments Defintions, safety requirements, and test procedures 3 Risk reduction through design 3.1 Safety should be integrated into machine design, manufacture, operation, instruction, and supervision. Risks should be reduced or eliminated so far as possible without unreasonable impairment of product function by – eliminating or reducing hazards by suitable choice of design features and construction materials; – limiting exposure of persons to hazards by reducing the need for operator intervention in hazardous areas; – providing guards or other safety devices to protect persons from the hazards which cannot reasonably be eliminated or sufficiently limited by design. 3.2 Even when appropriate design features and safety devices are incorporated into machinery, some residual risks may remain. Safety signs warn operators or other exposed persons about such residual risks.
4 Objectives of safety signs 4.1 The objectives of a safety sign are to 一Alert persons to an existing or potential hazard 一Identify the hazard 一Describe the nature of the hazard 一Explain the consequences of potential injury from the hazard 一Instruct persons about how to avoid the hazard 4.2 In achieving these objectives, a safety sign should be distinctive on the equipment, should be in a clearly visible location, should be protected to the greatest extent practicable from damage and obliteration, and should have a reasonably long life expectancy. 5 Formats for safety signs 5.1 A safety sign is composed of a border surrounding two or more rectangular panels that convey information about hazards associated with operation of a product. 5.2 There are four standard formats for safety signs: 一two-panel safety sign: signal panel, message panel (see 5.4); – – three panel safely sign: signal panel, pictorial panel, message panel (see 5.5); 一two panel safely sign: pictorial panel, message panel (see 5.6); 一two-panel safety sign: two pictorial panels (see 5.7).
5.3 A vertical configuration is usually preferred, although a horizontal configuration is acceptable. Final choice of safety sign format and configuration should be determined by whichever altemative is judged to communicate most effectively, by the geographical and language areas where the product will be marketed, by legal requirements, and by the space available for the safety sign. 5.4 Two-panel safety signs: signal panel, message panel. See figure 1. The signal panel contains the safety alert symbol and one of the three signal words (CAUTION,WARNING, DANGER). The message panel contains a text message that describes the hazard, explains the consequences of exposure to the hazard, and instructs how to avoid the hazard.CSA M11684-97 pdf download.

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