CSA C743-09 pdf download

CSA C743-09 pdf download – Performance Standard for rating packaged water chillers

CSA C743-09 pdf download – Performance Standard for rating packaged water chillers.
4.1.2 Vapour compression chillers utilizing fluids with secondary coolants (glycol or brine) for freeze protection shall meet the requirements of this Standard when tested with water at standard rating conditions. 4.2 Absorption chillers Capacity and heat energy requirements shall be determined under the test conditions specified in Tables 1 to 5 and in accordance with the test procedure for absorption chillers specified in ANSI/ARI 560, Appendix C. 5 Rating requirements 5.1 General Published ratings shall consist of standard ratings, part-load ratings, and nonstandard ratings published in catalogues or as computer output. Standard ratings shall be established under the test conditions specified in Tables 1 to 3 and shall be verified using the test method specified in Clause 4. 5.2 Cooling capacity Standard ratings relating to cooling capacity shall be the net values, expressed in kW (tons), considered usable in the customer’s system. 5.3 Vapour compression chillers Standard input ratings for vapour compression chillers shall be the total power required from the customer’s power source, expressed in kW. These ratings shall include the average power required by all package components furnished by the manufacturer, including (a) the purge; (b) oil pumps; (c) oil heaters; (d) the motor starter; (e) frequency converters; and (f) controls. Water pump power shall be excluded from the calculation of standard input rating.
5.8 Part-load ratings 5.8.1 The part-load performance of water-chilling packages shall be specified through publication of the following: (a) the integrated part-load value (IPLV), using the standard rating conditions specified in Tables 5 and 6; (b) the separate part-load data point(s) suitable for calculating IPLV and nonstandard part-load value (NPLV); and (c) for centrifugal chillers that are not designed to operate at standard rating conditions, the NPLV, using the rating conditions specified in Tables 7 and 8. 5.8.2 IPLV values shall be determined under the test conditions specified in Tables 5 and 6. NPLV values shall be determined under the test conditions specified in Tables 7 and 8. 5.8.3 IPLV and NPLV values for machines capable of unloading to approximately 25% shall be calculated as follows: (a) The COP shall be determined by testing at 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% load points under the conditions specified in Tables 5 and 6 for IPLV or Tables 7 and 8 for NPLV, as applicable. (b) IPLV and NPLV shall be calculated as follows: IPLV or NPLV = 0.01A + 0.42B + 0.45C + 0.12D where A = COP at 100% load point B = COP at 75% load point C = COP at 50% load point D = COP at 25% load point (c) If the water-chilling package cannot be operated at the 25% load point, it shall be operated at minimum capacity, with the entering fluid temperature corresponding to 25% load condition in Table 5, 6, 7, or 8, as applicable. The COP shall be calculated as 25% of the 100% load capacity in kW, obtained by testing, divided by the measured power input in kW.
5.8.4 Individual part-load data points shall be presented in terms of percentage of rated power input versus percentage of rated capacity. Water temperatures shall be adjusted for field fouling allowance in accordance with ARI 550/590, Appendix C. Individual points shall be based on the part-load conditions specified in Tables 5, 6, 7, or 8, as applicable. If published and not otherwise stated, individual part-load points shall be based on the IPLV conditions specified in Tables 5 and 6. 5.9 Application ratings 5.9.1 General Application ratings (at other than standard rating conditions) shall include ratings for the range of conditions specified in Clauses 5.9.2 and 5.9.3 or within the operating limits of the equipment. 5.9.2 Vapour compression chillers Application ratings shall be as follows: (a) all condenser types: leaving chilled water temperature — 4.4 to 8.9 °C (40 to 48°F), in increments of 1.1 °C (2°F) or less; (b) water-cooled condensers: entering condenser water temperature — 18.3 to 40.6 °C (65 to 105°F), in increments of 2.8 °C (5°F) or less; (c) air-cooled condensers: entering condenser air dry-bulb temperature — 12.8 to 51.7 °C (55 to 125°F) dry bulb, in increments of 6 °C (10°F) or less; and (d) evaporatively cooled condensers: entering condenser air wet-bulb temperature — 10.0 to 25.7 °C (50 to 78°F) wet bulb, in increments of 1.5 °C (2.5°F) or less.CSA C743-09 pdf download.

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