CSA N287.2-17 pdf download

CSA N287.2-17 pdf download – Material requirements for concrete containment structures for nuclear power plants

CSA N287.2-17 pdf download – Material requirements for concrete containment structures for nuclear power plants.
3 Definitions The following definitions shall apply in this Standard: Anchor — a steel element cast into concrete or post-installed into a hardened concrete member and used to transmit applied forces. Note: Examples include straight bolts, hooked bolts (J- or L-bolts), headed studs, expansion anchors, undercut anchors, and inserts. Anchor channels — steel profile with rigidly connected anchors embedded in its final location at the time of concrete placing. [Source: ICC-ES AC 232] Note: Historically, anchor channels were called embedded inserts. Anchorage system — the combined materials designed to provide anchorage to concrete for support of equipment or components in their final position. Authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) — the organization having jurisdiction over the design, procurement, fabrication, installation, testing, operation, inspection, maintenance, and decommissioning of a nuclear facility. Notes: 1) AHJ is also referred to as “regulatory authority”.
2) In Canada, the regulatory authority is the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), who receives its authority pursuant to the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA). Cast-in anchor — a headed or hooked bolt installed before concrete is placed. Coating system — a protective layer applied on the base substrate, concrete or steel, in a qualified manner to meet the design requirements and to protect the substrate from environmental degradation. Containment boundary — the containment structure and related components that provide a pressure- retaining barrier to prevent or limit the escape of any radioactive matter released from reactor processes. Containment components — the metallic and non-metallic portions of the containment boundary that are not parts of the containment structure. Containment structure — the structural portion of the containment boundary. Containment system — the arrangement of structure, systems, and components that prevent or limit the escape of radioactive substances when such substances are released from reactor process systems. Embedded part — a part that is in its final location at the time of concrete placing and is permanently anchored in the concrete structure. Note: Embedded parts are generally either a) penetrations that provide openings through the concrete structure for the passage of personnel, material, process piping, ducts, and cables; or b) non-penetrations that are used primarily as a means of supporting items such as platforms, equipment, and piping in the concrete structure or for the protection of the concrete. Engineer — a person in the engineering profession who has specific expertise in concrete containment and is licensed by the professional association having jurisdiction. Note: The engineer can be a designated representative of the operating organization. Expansion anchor — a post-installed anchor inserted into hardened concrete that transfers loads into the concrete by direct bearing or friction, or both. Note: Expansion anchors are classified under the following
6 Reinforcement 6.1 General Material used in non-pre-stressed reinforcing systems of concrete containment structures shall be in accordance with the requirements of CSA G30.18, except as otherwise specified in this Standard. 6.2 Tensile tests 6.2.1 One tensile test shall be made of each bar size for each 50 tonnes or for each heat, whichever is smaller. 6.2.2 The tested yield strength of steel that is in compliance with CSA G30.18 shall not exceed the specified minimum yield strength by more than 125 MPa. 6.3 Bend tests 6.3.1 The bend test specimen shall withstand bending through 180° around a ten diameter pin without cracking transversely to the axis of the bar. The specimen shall be tested at an ambient temperature. The ambient temperature shall not be less than 15 °C. 6.3.2 The bend test specimens shall be the full section of the bar as rolled. 6.4 Certification Certified mill test reports giving the results of chemical and mechanical tests of the material supplied shall be submitted by the manufacturer to the purchaser or his/her representative.CSA N287.2-17 pdf download.

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