CSA Z271:20 pdf download

CSA Z271:20 pdf download – Design of suspended access equipment

CSA Z271:20 pdf download – Design of suspended access equipment.
CSA Group A23.3:19 Design of concrete structures ASME 17.1-2016/CSA B44-16 Safety code for elevators and escalators CAN/CSA-B311-02 (R2018) Safety code for manlifts CAN/CSA-B354.6-17 Mobile elevating work platforms — Design, calculations, safety requirements, and test methods CAN/CSA-B354.7-17 Mobile elevating work platforms — Safety principles, inspection, maintenance and operation B354.9-17 Design, calculations, safety requirements, and test methods for mast climbing work platforms (MCWPs) B354.10-17/B354.11-17 Safe use and best practices for mast climbing work platforms (MCWPs)/Training for mast climbing work platforms (MCWPs) CAN/CSA-B354.8-17 Mobile elevating work platforms — Operator (driver) training C22.1-18 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I C22.2 No. 94.2-15 Enclosures for electrical equipment, environmental considerations S269.2-16 Access scaffolding for construction purposes Z91-17 Health and safety code for suspended equipment operations
4.2 Modifications Modification, alteration, or remanufacture of the suspended access equipment shall be made with the written permission of the manufacturer of the platform. Where it is not possible to obtain written permission from the manufacturer, a modification shall be made in accordance with the instructions of an engineer. The engineer shall verify that the modified suspended access equipment meets the requirements of this Standard. Where the completeness and accuracy of an instruction or marking is affected by a modification or alteration, instructions and markings shall be amended to reflect the changes. 4.3 Applications or configurations not specifically permitted by manufacturer Applications or configurations of the suspended access equipment in a manner not specifically permitted by the manufacturer (e.g., a multi-level system, an irregular shape [e.g., a corner platform], or a boiler platform) shall be made with the written permission of the manufacturer. Where it is not possible to obtain written permission from the manufacturer, permission may be obtained from an engineer. The engineer shall verify that the application or configuration meets the requirements of this Standard. 4.4 Documentation The design of the suspended access equipment shall be documented. This documentation shall include a) drawings and specifications that describe the layout, size, and material specifications of all components; b) the design loads specified in Clause 5.5.1; and c) for MPSPs, the expected design loads during erection, dismantling, traversing, and moving.
5.3 Redundancy for MPSPs A multi-point suspended access equipment shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in such a way that the failure of one means of support or suspension will not cause any part of the platform to collapse or fail, under the most adverse loading condition as determined by the design of the platform. 5.4 Materials and connections 5.4.1 Materials Structural components shall be constructed of steel, aluminum, or other appropriate materials in such a manner as to consistently withstand the deteriorating effect of the most rigorous weather conditions that might be encountered, as detailed in the National Building Code of Canada. The design, fabrication, and erection of components and fastenings made of a) steel shall conform to CSA S16; and b) aluminum shall conform to CAN/CSA-S157. 5.4.2 Welding Welding of a) steel shall conform to CSA W59 and CSA W47.1, or the equivalent; and b) aluminum shall conform to CSA W59.2 and CSA W47.2, or the equivalent. Note: The authority having jurisdiction can prescribe alternative or additional requirements for welding. 5.4.3 Bolted connections Engagement Nuts shall fully engage bolts on all bolted connections Securement Bolted connections in the suspension system shall be secured from loosening through a) self-locking construction; b) use of a cotter pin; or c) other means that are equivalent to Item a) or b).CSA Z271:20 pdf download.

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