CSA S807-10 pdf download

CSA S807-10 pdf download – Specification for fibre-reinforced polymers

CSA S807-10 pdf download – Specification for fibre-reinforced polymers.
3 Definitions The following definitions shall apply in this Standard: Additive — a material added to another material to improve the properties of the latter or to improve the manufacturing process. Bar — a non-prestressed FRP element, with nominally rectangular or circular cross-section, used to reinforce a concrete component. Note: The bar can be an independent bar or part of a grid. Batch — see Production lot. Coefficient of variation (COV) — the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. Creep — the time-dependent change in the length of a component under nearly constant stress. Cure — the process of causing an irreversible change in the properties of a thermosetting resin by chemical reaction. Durability — the capability of a component, product, or structure to maintain its function for at least a specified period of time with appropriate maintenance. Epoxy — a thermoset resin made of epichlorohydrin and bisphenol A or a similar compound. Fibre content — see Fibre volume fraction.
Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) — a fibre-reinforced composite with a polymeric matrix and continuous fibre reinforcement of aramid, carbon, or glass. Fibre volume fraction — the ratio of the volume of fibres to the volume of fibre-reinforced composite. Filler — an inert material added to the matrix to reduce the volume of polymer without significantly changing the properties of the FRP. Glass transition temperature (Tg) — the midpoint of the temperature range over which an amorphous material changes from a brittle and vitreous state to a plastic state, or vice versa. Grid — a prefabricated planar assembly consisting of bars in an orthogonal arrangement. Isophthalic polyester resin — a thermosetting resin made with isophthalic acid and a monomer through glycol reaction. Longitudinal axis — the axis selected for coupon sampling and testing. Low shrink/low profile additive — a special thermoplastic resin added to a thermosetting resin to reduce its shrinkage and to provide a smoother finish. Manufacturer — a person, or persons, representing the organization that manufactures the FRP. Manufacturing — a process that includes the following methods: (a) placing and arranging the fibres and fibre forms; (b) introducing the matrix into and around the fibres; and (c) activating the resin to produce a cured FRP. Matrix — a homogeneous polymer in which the fibre system of an FRP is embedded. Mechanical properties — properties of a material related to the interaction between stresses and strains. Owner — a person, or persons, having responsibility for and control of the structure in which the FRPs are used. Owner’s quality assurance tests — tests that are conducted by the owner, or an agent of the owner, to determine whether an individual production lot of materials conforms to the specifications of the owner.
4 General requirements 4.1 Materials 4.1.1 General Clause 4.1 specifies the constituent materials that may be used in fibre-reinforced polymers (FRPs) and the limits on additives and fillers relative to the base resin content. 4.1.2 Polymers The base polymer shall be 1 00% isophthalic polyester, vinylester, or epoxy. Resins of the same type may be blended, but resins of different types shall not be blended. 4.1.3 Fibres The following requirements shall apply to fibres: (a) Only aramid, carbon, or glass fibres shall be used. (b) Fibre treatments (sizings) shall be compatible with the resin used. (c) Only continuous rovings or tows shall be used. 4.1.4 Fillers Inorganic fillers and secondary fibres may be used, but their quantity shall not exceed 20% by weight of the base polymer resin specified in Clause 4.1 .2. 4.1.5 Additives General Additives making up part of the cure system, or added for other reasons, may be used but shall be limited as specified in Clauses 4.1 .5.2 to 4.1 .5.4. All additives shall be appropriate for the fibre and polymer resin used. Diluents Diluents (e.g., styrene) added to the base polymer at the time of production shall not exceed 1 0% by weight of the base polymer resin specified in Clause 4.1 .2. Low-profile additives Low-profile (shrink) additives shall not exceed 20% by weight of the base polymer resin specified in Clause 4.1 .2.CSA S807-10 pdf download.

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